De Tyumuneskub — Dorelithe

3 min readNov 9, 2020
Sculptor Galaxy

The great Dream sings to Tyumune.

To Tyumune calls Oiveden —

the house of the Dream in the Void —

and Tyumune, wise, answers it.

Al-Oiveden tells the Prophet:

I was alone before Raimed

The oldest god, the Dreaming One.

And with Raimed came the great Dream.

And from that Dream, tells Oiveden,

came the Orders, in pairs, to Us:

Rodea first and Seaoch next

the Tighil bright and Tigne dark.

And last came Thead with young Eivel

who bicker and quarrel between

the first who ends what last began

and the last who creates anew.

The Orders six were given worlds

which closely fit their many ways,

and over them to watch and dream

stood Raimed’s own Eden, the star.

For Seaoch was Sanitsh in fire

where hot his wrath could burn away

from the world of Tigne, Robiteb,

and Tighil’s own, bluest Thaereb,

Nepuli for Eivel and life,

and Rethen, veiled, for Thead’s spirits.

Between the two was Robiteb

and blue Thaereb for Tighil bright.

Rodea last was given Thaer

the stagnant, cold, and unchanging;

And Robiteb the lot of Tigne

and Thaereb blue for bright Tighil.

Al-Thaereb was a world of green

with fertile soil and lively seas,

for Eivel came and blessed it that

Tighil’s own world would surely grow.

But Seaoch looked and saw Thaereb

And that if Tigne’s inheritance

and saw that it was plentiful

and he became a jealous god.

Astran he made of scarlet stone

A thief to steal and to corrupt

For Robiteb was sent Delsome

to bring the worlds under his sway.

Astran whispered; Delsome sang,

about the good of Seaoch’s ways.

And all the while did Raimed watch

the Dreamer on its golden throne.

But Tigne saw this, Rodea too

and brought his sword upon Delsome.

The moon, shattered, hung in the sky

O’er Robiteb the trophy lies.

Now, Tighil was a peaceful one;

He would not strike red Astran down.

Rodea, though, could watch and see

all that Astran did to Thaereb.

Unmoving she made the pale Iun

and sent it down to Thaereb blue

to hold her true and guide her straight

and chase Astran to save Thaereb.

So arose the moons of Thaereb

and so was made the Delsome belt.

For Robiteb and Thaereb are

the pride of Tign, and Tighil’s joy.

Raimed, Dreamer, was not finished.

They created Aimed, twice-born,

who birthed Dorel, king of the gods,

lord of the dance and king of feasts.

Then was Ferir and his sister

lords of all life and Eivelar.

For the sky-life and Cesodun

of Al-Thaereb and wisest Uode.

Then Shulvij, guard of travellers

and Narago and Sartemmi

Éon, Kvinar, Niun of Twilight

lastly Eisken of the wide sky.

So Oiveden told the Prophet;

To Tyumune his story gave.

In Aldannel across the sea

the Prophet wrote the words of gods.




Studying Anthropology and International Relations at the University of Northern Colorado